Donating to the Northern Lights Health Foundation is one of the best ways to see the direct impact of your generosity – and we are proud to say that your donations are hard at work supporting local healthcare initiatives. From new lifesaving equipment to cutting-edge training and research, to the simple comforts of quiet spaces where families can spend time together, donated funds help improve the quality of healthcare at our hospital, and at rural and Public Health clinics throughout our region.
Closing the gaps in women’s health in rural and remote communities by ensuring access to breast cancer screening by collaborating with the Alberta Cancer Foundation and other partners.
Supporting a three-year pilot program that will advocate for and seek to establish a reconciled model of medicine for Indigenous peoples who seek care at our hospital.
Pediatric Mental Health
The project is to create two Pediatric Mental Health & Sensory Rooms which includes sensory resources (designed to stimulate vestibular, proprioceptive, aerobic, oral motor, tactile, visual, and auditory processing) and mental health resources (designed to support the development of coping skills/stress management, self-awareness, self-esteem, problem solving, interpersonal effectiveness, assertive communication and mindfulness).
This project will renovate an existing room into a staff room, renovate the exiting staff room into the Sentopia Centre for children's mental health therapy, and renovate a maternity room into the Synergy Hub for adolescent mental health therapy.
The Health Foundation is seeking donations to support the Greatest Needs Fund which is managed by the Foundation Board of Directors and allocated to emergent and large-scale projects. Donations from individual and business donors are pooled to enable the Board to act quickly and have a major impact on supports to local healthcare initiatives. This fund was used extensively during the COVID pandemic to ensure our local medical team had the right tools in their hands to provide immediate support to patients. We need to keep this fund replenished as new requests are constantly emerging. The Greatest Needs Fund needs your donations to launch the Indigenous Health program - Better Together and to support enhancements to the Psychiatry Department, children's mental health, and to support technology innovations towards an integrated healthcare system.