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 Athabasca Oil Corporation Marks Milestone Donation





Pictured: Jeffrey Czepil, Manager, Hangingstone Operations and Stephanie MacKenzie, Fund Development, Community Initiatives and Events Officer, NLHF.

 Athabasca Oil Corporation (AOC) marked a milestone donation during their annual employee fundraising campaign. In December, AOC announced that their staff, along with a company match, successfully raised $20,000 for the Northern Lights Health Foundation.

With two oil sands projects just south of Fort McMurray, Leismer and Hangingstone, AOC understands the importance of having readily available healthcare services not only for their employees, but for the community as a whole.

“Athabasca’s annual employee campaign is aimed at supporting vital services within the communities we operate in. I am pleased we can provide continued support to the Northern Lights Health Foundation, which provides critical health services for the communities and operates in the Greater Wood Buffalo area,” said Jeff Czepil, Manager Hangingstone Operations.

“We are honoured to have Athabasca Oil Corporation and its employees as a valued partner in our mission,” said Vanessa MacNevin, Executive Director of the Northern Lights Health Foundation. “The continued support enables us to make a meaningful impact on health initiatives in our community.”



Athabasca Oil Corporation is a Calgary based company focused on the sustainable development of light oil resources in northwestern Alberta and thermal oil in the Athabasca region in northeastern Alberta. More information about Athabasca Oil Corporation can be located on their website:



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