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For Immediate Release
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016

RBC donation supports youth mental health in Wood Buffalo

Fort McMurray, Alberta – The Northern Lights Health Foundation is proud to announce a gift of $100,000 from the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), to support the funding of a new Children and Youth Mental Health Navigator position with Alberta Health Services (AHS) Addiction & Mental Health Services in Wood Buffalo. The gift marks the largest single donation by RBC to the Health Foundation.

The Children and Youth Mental Health Navigator will serve as the single point of entry for child and youth mental health referrals in the region. The goal of the position is to support children, youth and families in accessing services and navigating the system. The Navigator would support screening of referrals for appropriateness and urgency; connect referrals to appropriate services provided by AHS and external agencies; liaise with children, youth and families to ensure connection to appropriate services; and liaise with health care and service providers to ensure smooth transition of care from one service to another. The position will be the first of its kind in the AHS North Zone, and will serve as a model for other communities in Northern Alberta.

“The Health Foundation is grateful to RBC for their generous gift of $100,000, in support of youth mental health in our region,” said Cindy Amerongen, Executive Director of the Health Foundation. “After the trauma of the recent wildfire, youth mental health is at the top of everyone’s minds. This new position will have a deep and lasting impact on how our children access mental health services locally and ensure they receive what they need when they need it most for the days, months and years to come.”

"Young Canadians face a challenging road ahead including greater potential for underemployment and a heavier social burden as the boomer generation retires," said Tana LeBlanc, Market Manager, RBC. ‎"Many are feeling anxious about what's to come. Arguably, access to mental health resources like this has never been more important and RBC is proud to play a part in helping to bring this program to youth in Fort McMurray."

RBC is a longstanding partner of the Northern Lights Health Foundation, having committed over $507,000 to health care in Wood Buffalo since 2002. RBC’s support has assisted the Health Foundation in funding vital medical equipment, programs and services in our community, including numerous mental health initiatives. In 2014, RBC committed more than $104 million in donations and sponsorships worldwide to support community activities and organizations.

About the Northern Lights Health Foundation

Established in 1985, the Northern Lights Health Foundation exists to provide funds to support health care priorities within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The Health Foundation is proudly accredited under Imagine Canada’s Standards Program. For more information, visit


For more information, please contact:
Amelia Schofield
Marketing and Communications Officer
Northern Lights Health Foundation
Tel: 780-788-1324 Cell: 780-788-5247 Email:

Health Foundation - RBC Gift Announcement.jpg

Members of the Northern Lights Health Foundation and RBC teams celebrated RBC’s donation of $100,000 to a new Child and Youth Mental Health Navigator position with AHS at the Health Foundation’s recent Progress in Mind Breakfast.

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